Something in your story makes no sense at all? Military officers for the most part are not rich at all and hardly even middle class in America.
Because families may have money, they simply due not give it ALL to their children in America before they die. Therefore on his own merits as a military officer, he is probably not very well off or he would have been a lawyer first and never joined the military.
Traditional wealthy families in America DO NOT let their kids join the military and the percentage of poor people in the military is probably 95% in the USA
So will he get a job in Thailand as a military officer? The answer is no. Does he have any special skills that the Thai's do not have? The answer is no. Can he speak Thai? Probably not.
What good would a lawyer be in Thailand that cannot speak Thai or read Thai or is even remotely familiar with Thai Law? The answer is no good.
Been together for four years and never talked about the future? Very strange relationship there. Most people I know were married long before a 4 year relationship.
Military officers have a committment of a certain number of years to the military before they can leave and do what they want.
But even after leaving, he is just like every other ex-military person, which means competing for jobs in Thailand on skills, education and merit alone.
If he is so rich, why not have him take a holiday to Thailand with you in August and have him set you up in your own business? Maybe a McDonalds? or something else financially fail proof that you can support your family until he is ready to move to Thailand with you?
If the guy won't put the money where the mouth is, I think you have to come to grips with the facts of what your relationship is really all about.
Fours years together and you want to go home or HAVE to go home because your education VISA is up, and he cannot go with you no matter what because of his military committments.
But there is no marriage proposal or anything remotely close to keeping you two together? No talk about a future together.
If he was in love with you, he would never let you go because he already knows it will be the end.
Sorry to say, but even though you are living in America, you are the very same as allot of Thai girls here in Thailand. They cling to one guy forever, even though there is no future, no hope, no marriage on the horizon as if the that guy was the last guy alive.
You are in for a shock in life if you think men want to take care of women in Thailand. Come to Thailand and see how many working professional Thai women there are contributing financially to taking care of their families with their husbands.
Now ask yourself after 4 years how much has your BF contributed to taking care of your family? The answer is probably zero and that says it all right there.
Sorry for you, but one of life's little lessons everyone learns along the way. When it's real, when it's true love, there is marriage, children and a happy ending. After four years if you do not have that, a question has to be asked what did you have?
Platonic? Convenient?
Sad facts but all true. When you walk down the path of life, you need to keep your eyes open to the facts. People talk and talk and talk. I would guess every farang in Thailand must be super rich too because that is what they are telling all the bar girls.
Social Intelligence, being aware of facts versus stories that we want to believe our true, but facts dictate they are never true.
Thailand is not easy for the millions of people trying to support families on meager incomes. There is lots of despair and a lack of hope.
Prepare yourself that this is the way of life in Thailand and either embrace it whole heartedly or do your best to stay in America.
Many, many people in Thailand with Masters degrees and years of experience do not even earn the equivalent of minimum wage per month in the USA.
That is a fact of life that we all deal with.
This is our system here in Thailand, this is where our society is at. You have to be able to embrace what is true and right in front of your eyes.
Good luck to you.